Exanima Walkthrough

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In no specific order:1) Buy armor before weapons. The iron bar will take you far.

Having a solid suit of armor will prevent your characters from getting killed should they lose a fight. Always always always prioritize getting head armor. Even at the aspirant level, it makes a HUGE difference in your fighters life expectancy. When buying armor, dont settle for the rusted or damaged crap unless you desperately need coverage, such as headgear.

The crappy stuff costs just as much as the superiour and exceptional stuff, so you are better off holding out for the good stuff unless you really need a helmet or something.2) Recruit a dedicated pugilist. You can use this character between money making fights to allow your other characters to heal. Pugilism in general is pretty strong, and over time you may get good enough to do elimination matches at all ranks with just your fists. I sometimes find it easier than using weapons.3) Use your main character cautiously.

If this character dies, you lose everything. Recruit (not hire) a fighter to handle the difficult and dangerous starter fights where you have no armor.

You can go the entire game using your main character as a management character if you so choose and you will never lose your progress.4) The higher rank you are, the less likely you are to outright die in a fight. Fighting at the inept gear level is much more dangerous than fighting at expert because of the armor difference. The expert weapons are more dangerous for sure, but they wont kill you through the armor like the m eat cleaver or hatchet will when you have no armor. Be wary of this when entering matches, because if you enter a master elimination which is fought at the inept entry level, there's a significant chance your fighter can be killed if you mess up.5) Use lower level challenger fights to practice stuff. You can take any gear you want into a challenger match. An inept or apsirant challenger is a great practice opportunity for your armored expert fighter to work on practicing some techniques or attacks.6) Avoid low profit high danger fights such as frays at the lower levels. It's much more likey that your lowbie fighter will get seriously injured or killed in a fray than it is an elimation.

When you get some real armor, do whatever you want.7) Learn to recognize what weapons hurt, and what weapons are lethal. For example, at the aspirant level, the iron bar hurts a lot, but the dagger kills. You may not want to continue a match if you have 70% red damage and come up against somebody with the fancy 3 prong dagger.8) In elimination matches, if your opponet has better gear than you loot them after you kill them. You can use thier gear for the rest of the elimination match.9) You can forfiet a match at any time. If one of your star fighters gets into a situation that may cause death, you may be better off forfieting the match before they are killed.10) Always make sure to equip your fights for each individual skill level. You have to equip a gear set for each rank individually, or they will start the fight pretty much naked and unarmed.

Amazing advice. This doesn't really feel like the type of post that should be stickied, but at the same time, I think it could help a lot of new and experienced players alike, so maybe it should be? Maybe it should just be put in a guide instead. I'm not sure, but the tips are fantastic regardless.I have some more things to add:. Pugilism is a great way of earning experience without endangering yourself.

You can also do pugilism fights with your main character if you don't want to recruit another character. Monster monpiece download. The only problem is that it's a bit slow, but the fights are generally very easy assuming you're aggressive and use calculated uppercuts and swings. Frays at the inept level aren't all that dangerous, but once you get up in ranks, they can become deadly.

Still, they're one of the best ways of earning experience. With a brand new recruit, it can sometimes be best to try out low-level frays while being proactive about dealing with every enemy personally. It'll be dangerous, and they might gain a lot or red health or even die, but they'll gain incredible amounts of experience afterwards. This is also why it's best to do this with new recruits before you really start to invest time and money into them. Review the stats of every item you buy and compare it to what you already have. Sometimes, different pieces of armor or clothing can look the same, but actually have vastly superior stats.

For example, most pairs of pants just have 3.5-4 coverage and maybe 0.5 piercing or slash, but there are some pants that have 4.5-5 coverage, 1.0 piercing, 1.0 slash, 0.5 crush, 0.5 impact, etc. Go for combat skills before armor skills.

While this contradicts the concept of armoring your fighter before arming them, it does make sense, since most of the weapon skills are actually rather useful for defending yourself. The armor skills are more useful at a higher level, when both you and your opponent are fully armored. If you hire someone, use them in doubles or skirmishes.

You don't want to watch them do other matches, because you can't really intervene except to forfeit. There's also no way to speed up the match, so unless you're planning on hiring your own colosseum's worth of fighters for your own amusement, it's going to be a boring experience. Sounds like you're a fan of polearms.I've found weapon choice recommendations interesting. I try to veer way from recommending weapons, but here goes:I recommend so far based on my experience:Inept: Iron bar / iron shod quarter staffAspirant: Spiked ClubNovice: The ugly looking battle axeAdept: Flanged MaceExpert: Pole HammerMaster: Pole HammerBut my all time favorite weapon is the broom. There's nothing quite like smacking down fully armored fighters in master elimination with the broom (of doom?). Not the best weapon if you are new though.It's much more important when starting out though to prioritize armor, especially head gear.

You can run with an iron bar or the iron shod quarterstaff all the way to the master level with enough practice.Once you get settled in and have more masters then you'll ever need, it's fun to play with the other weapons. I keep a dedicated sword fighter, polehammer fighter, pugilist and so on. You'll also eventually end up with enough money that getting gear isnt an issue, but waiting for the piece you need is endless.

Originally posted by:Also you get experience depending on what you did in the fight, so if you hid in a corner and then just kill the last person you get no experience, also in the future when reputation is added you will probably get negative reputation for doing that. As I said, it's just an easy way to make money, I use elimination to get xp ^^ hopefully improvements to A.i.

Will solve that eventually, where A.i. Makes threat assessments and better temporary alliance. Will obviously also get better at communicating with each other.

I am hearing a lot of how some beginners are frustrated by the difficulty of the main game. Someone jumping right into the main game before getting used to the controls and combat would have a hard time. If you've beaten the arena all the way through expert you are probably wondering why you can't beat the first enemy you meet easily. That's because you are probably using a weak weapon like your torch. It's actually very simple to progress in the game.The controls are explained ingame, go to 'Settings' followed by 'Controls', there is a Quickstart Guide. In combat mode A/D sidesteps, W/S moves forward/back, so just track your facing, you can hit the spacebar to reorient the camera behind you. Just hit spacebar when you need to, there's no need to keep your mind on it and use it constantly, nor should you be trying to avoid using it.

Non-combat movement is similar to Resident evil 1/2 (left/right turns), right click where you want to face, advance with W and add shift to run. I play with 'hold movement' for dash and 'tap movement' as steps.There's two ways around the combat in the main game:1) Evade enemies and gear up first.In resident evil 2 you start with little ammo and should dodge around the first enemies you meet.In Exanima you start off with no armor, so most edged weapon hits build up red damage on you.You can avoid fights till you pick up better gear. Most enemies don't turn aggressive unless you linger close to them, so you can run past them.2) Git gud.The AI is actually stupid and not that hard to beat. You'll realise this if you play the game enough, that the game is actually pretty easy. It doesn't seem that way when you are new. I can spoil you with what the experienced players figured out below, but it's best you experience the game and enjoy your own achievement. 1) Wait outside the enemy's range and hold still, let the enemy come in range for his attack.

You should be facing your enemy, your mouse cursor on him or in his direction.2) The enemy starts his attack. Tap back to dodge it.3) Make your attack while the enemy is recovering from his missed attack.(Try to get your distance right, either hold still or tap forward. In an unusual case such as a cleaver wielder against your bill, you may need to step back as you attack.)4) Your attack either hit or missed. Back off out of range. Return to Step 1).The trick to Exanima is catching distance and timing, which means you should only move as much as necessary.Example:Enemy swings at you, you dash back, the attack misses but you are probably too far to counterattack quickly.

Just tap back and step to evade the strike. The attack misses and you are closer to counterattack.Continuing the example, you are attacking where you perceive an opening, the enemy is recovering from his attack. You press forward and attack, your arm smacks into the enemy and you do no damage. Maybe you only needed to step forward(tap) instead of dash forward while attacking.

Or just stood still to attack. Or even step back and and attack, in cases of extreme reach differences, such as the bill versus the cleaver.Ideally you want to hit with the tip of your weapon, it's the end of the swing and does the most damage.That should be enough to get you pretty far in the main game. You should always note your surroundings, whether there is enough space, light or if there are obstacles in your way. A tall character does have better reach and would probably have an easier time than a short character. The harder enemies wield weapons with better reach/speed that make openings harder to catch, just stay patient and watch for your openings. As you explore and pick up better armor and weapons, the game gets a lot easier, so don't get discouraged! Update: Played through level one on

Some zombies have new hairstyles, the level is practically unchanged, guide is still relevant.I recommend creating a tall character for more reach. In the starting room pick up and equip your torch, head to the barrels in a corner and pick up a barrel lid for a shield. Leave the room, at the cross junction turn right, pass through the arches. Go through the door on the right and pick up a metal bar out of two near the door.Open the next door on your left.There's a zombie with a hatchet.

You can avoid a fight or kill him. If you choose to fight, you can drop your torch on the ground for light while using the metal bar.The hatchet is fast and will cause red damage so you should fight cautiously, attacking only after you've just evaded his attack and immediately dodge back after making your attack to avoid retaliation. Pick up his hatchet if you kill him. There is a chest to loot in the room. Leave the room and turn left to continue down the passage.You will reach three closed doors. Enter the one on the left and close the door behind you.

There are three wandering zombies in the area to dodge around or fight. Head straight forward and there is a metal bar near the wall light.Head left, go through a door and pick up a compass.Leave and open the door to the north to loot a chest in a small dark room.Open a door to the south, inside there is a zombie with a sledgehammer which you can kill pretty easily with your metal bar. Advance till you reach a chest to loot.Leave and head north, then east through a doorway. Exit the room through another door east of you. Ignore the north passage and head east.

There are two small rooms, in the first leather gloves can be found on a table. In the second room there is a machete.Retrace your steps and head down the north passage till you reach a door. Enter and close the door behind you. There are two wandering zombies in this new area, one is armed with an axe but he is still pretty easy to beat with a metal bar. Head west, then north. Open the first door to the east, there is a chest in this room. Leave, head north and open the door to the west.

Inside there is a chest of drawers in the northeast corner. There is also a key beneath the edge of a low table.Use the key to unlock the door to the west. Double click the key in your inventory, and then click on the door. Inside is a chest to loot. Return to the passage and head north to reach three doors. Proceed through the door on the north. Advance till you reach a door to your south.

Inside there is a key on a table to pick up.Return to the passage and continue east. Enter a large room to the east and loot a chest in it. Leave the room and head south. Enter the first doorway to your west. Near a desk is a chest. Take the south exit.

Head straight south, turn right and you will reach a door you close behind you towards the south. Go through it, backtrack to the cross junction near the starting room.At the cross junction take the west passage. Unlock the door you reach with your key. In the new area is one wandering zombie armed with an axe. To the southwest there is a closed door. Inside is a rather aggressive zombie to kill.

There is also a barrel that holds a rusty sword.Exit the room and head north through a doorway. Turn right and head east till you find a chest to loot. Return to the cross junction and head south.

Unlock the door with your key. In the new area there are a few wandering zombies. Enter the west door on your right. Drop your torch in the corner. Arm yourself with the barrel lid and sword. Open the door to the south.Inside is a zombie armed with a metal bar to kill. Recover your torch and loot the chest inside.

Exanima wiki

Leave and head eastwards till you reach a door. There are containers inside to check. Check another small room in the next door to the south for loot. Continue south and there is a bill on top of a shelf.

Go through the doorway to the south and find a chest to loot. Retrace your steps and take the south passage. Advance till you reach a gate and some levers. There are vambraces on a crate to pick up.Pull the rightmost lever down to unlock the closed gate.

Proceed northwest to a closed door. Equip your sword and torch. Pass the door there are two zombies in a long dark passage. Kill them and loot a key off the zombie who was armed with an axe. Unlock the door at the end of the passage with it.Inside the next room there is a zombie armed with a bill to take out.In the new room, unlock the door in the northwest corner with your key. There is a lever to the east to pull and unlock the gate next to it. Head through the northwest door first.

Unlock a gate with a lever and head north. Use your bill to kill two wandering zombies in the area. Go to the northwest corner of the third cage on the left. There is a two handed sword in the fourth locked cage that you can grab.Exit north, go around the cages heading northwest.

You will find a desk and a chest to loot. The desk holds the key to the previous locked cage but you don't need it. Retrace your steps and head east through the gate. Turn left and enter the doorway to the right.

There is a chest nearby.Return to the passage and head south till you reach a closed door at the end of the passage. Inside, the first three rooms on your right contain a leather vest, boots and two chests.

Behind a door to the southeast is a small room containing two zombies and a chest.Take the east exit, there will be a chest to your right. Beneath some wooden trays is a glowing blue jar, it is used for healing so pick it up. On your left is a passage with a sign marked with skull and crossbones.

Ignore it for now and enter the door to the east.In the new area there is a chest and a strongbox. The strongbox can be kept in your inventory and it holds a key to unlock a nearby room that contains a chest to loot. I think the strongbox is rather glitchy in, it turned some keys I kept in it into other items when I moved to level two. Return to the skull and crossbones sign and proceed down the passage.You are now in the puzzle section of level 1.

1st puzzle:Pull a lever, open a gate. Continue down the passage till you get to an archway to the east on your right, go through it and proceed till you reach a closed gate.2nd puzzle:Pulling the lever not only opens the gate but it will also temporarily close some trapdoors and make the pitfalls to the northwest passable.

Pull the lever and quickly run northwest down the passage over the trapdoors before they open again.Run as fast as you can by holding right click away from your character, while holding shift and W as well. Take your armor off if it slows you down.3rd puzzle:Pull the lever and run through the gate to the northeast before it closes.4th puzzle:Grab the cover from the box nearby, move it before the lever. Click and drag it, drop it and move your character, then click-drag it again, etc. While dragging it use keys A and D to turn the object.Pull the lever down. Drag the cover and use the S key to angle it upwards. Drop the cover on the lever to weigh it down.Proceed till you reach two levers opposite each other.5th puzzle:You want to get both levers up for a moment to unlock a gate.

Drop a plank on one of the levers.Pull the lever upwards and the plank props it up. Pull the other lever upwards.

Enter the nearby room and press the large button on the wall and proceed to where there is a line of four levers.6th puzzle:From right to left, quickly pull down the four levers on the west wall, then pull up the lever on the south wall. You don't have to be dragging the handle part of a lever mechanism to pull it. A gate to the north opens up if you succeed. Head through it and pull the lever inside to keep the four trapdoors ahead raised.7th puzzle:In the area you'll have plenty of planks and two trapdoors. Pick the wide planks and place two of them next to each other to form a bridge across each trapdoor. Place a broken table on each pressure plate, you need to activate both pressure gates to open a gate to a small room. Pull the lever inside and the first gate closes while another opens.

Proceed and advance past the two bridges you built.8th puzzle:Go through an arch to the south and grab a stool and chair. Place the stool near the first lever.

Place the chair on it's back with it's legs pointing towards the lever. Pull the lever down and drop the chair close to the wall against the lever.Use a nearby wheelbarrow to weigh down the second lever.Pull the third lever, run to and pull the fourth lever and run though the gate to the west before it closes.9th puzzle:It's a little maze, head through a west arch, then a south arch, proceed till you reach a gate-lever to the west.Go through it and ignore the next west gate-lever. Go through a north arch, turn left and go through a south arch.

Go through another arch to the south, followed by a west arch. There is a gate-lever to the north.Go through the gate lever and then left through a west arch. Go through one more north gate-lever and you are through the maze.10th puzzle:Think of the 9 buttons as your numpad. Enter 2486, next 1793, and finally 5. The gate opens, loot the chest of drawers and the two reinforced chests.

Proceed through the gate-lever and go to level two by activating the double doors ahead. If you've turned on early checkpoints, you'll get your first checkpoint.