Manual Samuel

Manual Samuel is a game for the Steam.
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Manual Samuel is a classic adventure game with a wild twist. After making a deal with Death, our hero, the. Well, in Manual Samuel you are tasked with keeping Samuel alive for a whole 24 hours by completing automatic bodily functions manually.

Don't forget to breath
I saw this game for the first time a couple days ago when I saw jacksepticeye play it and I fell in love with it. The game is as perfectly crafted as it can be, it has so many unique aspects that make it play wonderfully and I love it.
The game looks really nice, and has an amazing are style. All of the scenery is full of color nd the style makes it come to life. I think the characters could have been designed just a bit better, but those are good as well and the regular animations are amazing as well. For instance, during the credits near the beginning, the animations and designs flow really well and the moving style makes me think of games like Don't Starve and Little Inferno, which both look great.
SOUND: 9/10
The sound is one of the best aspects of the game because its so spot on. The biggest part of the sound is the voices, such as the ones of Death and the narrator. All of the narrators dialogue is amazing, full of clever and funny lines and his talking makes it feel like you're playing the Stanley Parable. The other random sounds of the game such as the effects and music are also very good.
All the different aspects come together perfectly to make sure that the game looks, sounds, and feels amazing. What exactly is the game about? You're given full control over Sams body, and have to control every little action whether its blinking and breathing, standing up straight, walking step by step, and even brushing his teeth. Not only is this concept really clever and unique, its also really fun to go through everything as well as the story. On top of that, the clever dialogue and jokes of all the characters adds so much more to how addictive this game can get.
STORY: 10/10
The story IMO is wonderful. Im not going to give away too much, but the game starts with the main character, Sam, dying. Dying a very slow, painful, and cringy death. After the credits roll, Sam winds up in hell where he meets death. He makes a deal with death that if he can go a whole day doing every single action manually, he gets to be brought back to life again. (Only until he dies again, so bad luck if he dies after like 2 more days.)
You know how you normally don't think about blinking and breathing? Or moving your arms or even legs with each step? How would it be if you not only knew you were doing each action, but also had to actually do the action yourself. That's what the story is about, see if you can last a whole day playing the game and trying to remember to blink, breath, and keep your spine straight.
DEPTH: 7/10
The game isn't extremely long and there isn't any room to do things outside the set actions that the game wants you to do to progress the story, but that doesn't matter because there's still a lot. If anything, the humongous amount of awesome dialogue plays a huge role in the depth of the game. It's not a whole lot of depth, but what is there is still really good.
The game is not really hard. All you have to do is remember what button to press for what action and when to press it. The only actions that might seem difficult would be remembering to do some repetitive tasks like breathing and blinking, along with actions like peeing, because you need to be very precise with when you press the button. Overall, the game is fairly easy, you just need to pay attention to Sams body and the surrounding environment.
OVERALL: 9.2/10
Overall, this game is very clever and unique and it uses all sorts of different techniques to make sure it stands out from other games. Like i had mentioned earlier, the game looks, sounds, and feels just fantastic. The game is pretty cheap, it's $10 which I think is pretty worth it for the experience. Overall the game is really well made and my grade for Manual Samuel is going to be a 9.2 out of 10.
Graphics 10 Sound 9 Addictive 10 Depth 7 Story 10 Difficulty 4
Overall 9.2 Graphics 10 Sound 9 Addictive 10Story 10Depth 7Difficulty 4

Don't forget to breathzanderlex
I saw this game for the first time a couple days ago when I saw jacksepticeye play it and I fell in ..
Graphics 10 Sound 9 Addictive 10 Story 10 Depth 7 Difficulty 4

Review Rating: 4/5 Submitted: 10-19-16 Review Replies: 0
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Welcome to’s Manual Samuel Wiki for Playstation 4. This guide will help you maneuver your way through the next 24 hours of Samuel’s Life.Title: Manual SamuelAvailable On: Playstation 4, Xbox One, PCDeveloper: Perfectly ParanormalPublisher:Genre: AdventureWhere to Buy: PSN, Xbox Store, SteamManual Samuel Wiki (Part 1) – (The Coffee Shop and Hell)The game begins with the player taking control of protagonist Samuel. Samuel is an obnoxious and spoilt young man, who sits at a coffee shop ignoring his aggravated girlfriend.

Samuel’s girlfriend, furious that he has forgotten her birthday for the third year in a row swings a bottle as hard as she can into Samuel’s Face. Sam is dazed from being struck in the head. At this point, the player will learn some of the basic mechanics of the game.

L1 and R1 control Sam’s left and right hands. R2 and L2 control Sam’s right and left foot. If you try and move one foot twice in a row without moving the other, Sam will fall to the ground and attempt to move forward while doing the splits.

The right analog stick controls which direction Sam is moving in. The up button is used to correct Sam’s back, which can at times go limp, leaving Sam in a slumped mess. While trying to leave the coffee shop Sam will accidentally startle a baby, whose mother will, in turn, throw coffee in Sam’s eyes.

The player will then learn that the X button controls Sam’s ability to blink, which if not used regularly enough will cause him to go blind. The player must then go and pay for their coffee (with a choice to tip) and then exit the coffee shop. Sam crosses the road, trying to reach his girlfriend, when he is struck by a large truck, killing him. Manuel Samuel WikiSam wakes up in Hell and promptly runs into Death, who is attempting to do a kickflip on his skateboard. Death offers Sam a deal.

Instead of spending the rest of eternity in hell, Death will offer Sam a chance at life once more. All he has to do is survive 24 hours. Sam agrees and wakes up in his home, back on Earth. However, for the next 24 hours, Sam must manually perform tasks such as move his limbs, blink and breathe. We have already established many of the game’s mechanics from our interaction within the coffee shop.

The stronger the ties that bind us to God, the more likely we are to live, react, and behave in harmony with.greater joy, peace, and happiness. Jimmy Carter Spiritual, Godly, Ties. Since the death instinct exists in the heart of everything that lives, since we suffer from trying to repress it, since everything that lives longs for rest, let us unfasten the ties that bind us to life, let us cultivate our death wish, let us develop it, water it like a plant, let it grow unhindered. The Suffering: Ties That Bind. The Suffering: Ties That Bind is a 2005 first and third-person shooter psychological horror video game, developed by Surreal Software and published by Midway Games for PlayStation 2, Xbox and Microsoft Windows. The game was released in North America in September and in Europe in October. The suffering ties that bind quotes. The Suffering: Ties that Bind. The Suffering: Ties that Bind is a video game developed by Surreal Software and published by Midway Games, released in 2005 for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 game consoles as well as the PC. It is the sequel to The Suffering, and storywise picks up immediately after the ending of that game.

Bahamian Blaster Party Punch is nearly half rum. So it’s a heavy hitter, even though it tastes like a sweet summer breeze. You are going to love it!! The rum you’ll need is: Gold Rum. Fruit blaster drink. There are four flavors in every Sparkling Ice Fruit Blasters Variety Pack. The first is black raspberry, which has a sweet burst of flavor perfect for savoring. Orange mango is the second flavor, the ideal beverage for anyone who goes crazy for citrus. Put a little fizz in your day! Sparkling Ice is a fruity, flavorful sparkling water without all the sugar. If you want to put a little sparkle in your sip, look no further. There are four fruit flavors in the Fruit Blasters Pack which means you're pretty much guaranteed to find the one for you. What's your flavor?

The player will also now have to manually breathe in and out using the square and circle button, as well as take part in mini games that allow Sam to drink coffee and eat food. Manual Samuel Wiki (Part 2) – Sam’s HouseThe first task you need to complete is brushing your teeth. Don’t attempt to breathe in while brushing your teeth or you will choke on the water in your mouth. Then attempt to go to the toilet without peeing on yourself or on the floor. Then you must proceed to the shower and wash your body. From there leave the bedroom and go and get dressed.

Go and play the arcade game, Flappy Rooster by the stairs, until the cabinet flies off through the ceiling. Proceed to the breakfast table and eat your morning meal, but once again, be careful not to breathe in while eating or you’ll choke. Then head over and use the coffee machine to make your morning cup of Joe. Make sure you blow on the coffee so it doesn’t burn you when you try to drink it. Don’t blow too hard either, or you’ll turn blue and pass out.

Manual Samuel Wiki Manual Samuel Wiki (Part 3) – A Drive with DeathAfter exiting the house, move towards your car, where Death is attempting a kickflip. Here you will have to drive a manual car. Use L1 and R1 to swerve the steering wheel left and right. By moving the left stick you can also move your right hand to the gear stick and push L1 to change gears. Control the clutch with R2 and switch between the brake and accelerator with the right stick and then push down on each peddle with L2. While driving you’ll have to dodge several old ladies carelessly walking across the road. Try to stay on the left side of the screen as much as possible as it is easier to swerve to the right than the left, as at times you’ll have your right hand on the gear stick instead of the wheel and won’t have time to transition to the wheel and swerve to the left in time.

You’ll later pick up the character War, who needs assistance in killing civilians. When War yells to stop move your foot from the accelerator to the brake and stop as quickly as possible. Towards the end of your ride, you will hit a man, killing him on the road.

You’ll then enter a stare off with Death who asks you to blink twice if you’re willing to offer the stranger your last Shred of Life (a ticket that can restore life). You can hold out on blinking but will eventually go blind and be stuck with a white screen. Manual Samuel Wiki Manual Samuel Wiki (Part 4) – RobocorpYou then enter your work, Robocorp. First, go to the front desk and play a short mini-game where you try and ask the employee at the desk for a new key card. The elevator is out, so you will have to take the stairs. Take the climb slow, as one wrong foot will send you plummeting to the bottom. Once entering your office you have the choice to either make a cup of coffee or go and play another round of Flappy Rooster.

Upon attempting to play the arcade cabinet, Ingrid your secretary will alert you to the fact that your father wants to speak with you. Take the elevator to Samuel Senior’s office.

Tired of Sam always showing up late, his father sends him to work as a Liphidium Inserter in the storage room. Once in the storage room pull the red lever to the left of the robots, this will cause Liphidium to be produced by the red machine on the left-most side of the room. Pick up the Liphidium and place it in each of the robots. Then you will need to place the material in the large machine on the other side of the room behind the automated door. Pull the red lever on the right of the room then return to the Liphidium dispenser as quickly as possible and cross the room and through the automated door, with the Liphidium, before it closes.

After completing this task twice, Death will attempt to perform a kickflip, which will result in him breaking a pipe, which in turn releases Liphidium all over the robots. This cause the robot’s level of consciousness to become too high, and the break out of the Robocorp facility. Sam must escape the storage room. Be careful to not breathe in, as the fumes in the air will cause Sam to go blind. In a meeting where Robocorp executives try and decide what to do next, Death forces Samuel to volunteer to deal with the robots, who are now heading towards an orphanage.

Manual Samuel Wiki Manual Samuel Wiki (Part 5) – Saving the OrphanageSam moves through town, outfitted with an enormous mech suit. Primarily you’ll be using your machine gun to take out enemies, as the rocket launcher has a relatively slow reload time. You’ll also want to use your shield to stop enemy bullets.

The shield will not, however, defend against missiles or charging enemies. When facing the larger missile launching robots, you’ll want to shoot down their missiles and then immediately switch to your own missile launcher, in order to lay down a large amount of damage. After one shot, return to using your machine gun and wait for them to fire again. There will also be some enemies who are protected by energy-based shields. Switch from your machine gun to your throwing arm and hurl Death towards them, to disable the shield.

Be warned however that as long as Death is not riding on your back, you will have to manually breathe once more. As you reach the orphanage you’ll face a boss, the Maidbot. Manual Samuel Wiki Manual Samuel Wiki (Part 6) – Maidbot Boss FightThe Maidbot will start the fight with its shield up. Defend against its machine gun fire with your shield and then move forward to dodge the incoming missile fire from above.

The Maidbot will then return to the ground and fire a heat seeking missile barrage. Shoot down the missiles as the reticule hovers over them and turns green. Then fire back with a missile and as many machine gun rounds as you can, before the Maidbots shield returns. Block the machine gun fire, then dodge the mines deployed in the same manner you dodged the missile barrage from above.

Shoot down the heat seeking missiles and then fire on the Maidbot. When you get the Maidbot down to half health, the Flappy Rooster arcade cabinet you jettisoned from your home earlier in the game will collide with the robot. You’ll then fire three missiles to finish off the job. The Maidbot will try to escape by ejecting its head from its body. The rockets will follow the head straight into the orphanage, killing all the orphans. Death runs off, and while looking at a skateboard through the window of a shop, is confronted by Satan. Meanwhile, Sam returns home.

Walk through Sam’s house, until you reach his bedroom. It is there that you will meet with War who in turn kills you, sending you back to Hell. Manual Samuel Wiki Manual Samuel Wiki (Part 7) – HellWalk towards the job booth, where you will be supplied a job for the rest of eternity. Upon reaching the booth you will realize you do not have enough shreds of life and will be placed in jail by the guards of Hell.

Death will help you escape from Jail. You will then wear the skin of one of the demon guards and use it to progress. Death tells you to meet him at the spot you first arrived in Hell. Along the way, you will have to fight numerous demonic guards. Block with L1 and R1 when the guards swing their swords. Attack them when they are running towards you to knock them back.

Upon reaching the point in which you arrived in Hell, you will be confronted by Satan.Manual Samuel Wiki (Part 8) – Satan Boss FightWhen fighting Satan you will have to remember several move combinations. When he stomps his foot, move as quickly as possible towards Satan as fireballs rain from the sky. When Satan begins to raise up into the air before breathing fire, run towards him and attack. When he swings from the side, you will only be able to dodge by making yourself fall over.

When he swings from above hold down the block buttons as long as possible, and if the sword is on fire, blow outwards to cool it down. After defending against Satan’s attacks you will receive a chance to try and speak to Satan. It is these moments that lower his health. Upon defeating Satan Death will finally land a kickflip over Satan’s head, triggering the game’s ending.For other Guides to various video games check out our:. Horizon Enemy Guide.