Secret Of Mana Fire Palace

To get to the Fire Palace, first head back to Kakkara via cannon travel. When you get there, go south, then west one screen, and north from there to get to the entrance. In the first room go in the left entrance, the right is a dead end. Follow the path until the room where everything goes red. For Secret of Mana on the Super Nintendo, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'I beat the Minotaur, go in and it says the Fire seed is still stolen now what?' Take the northern exit to reach the Ice Palace. Your answers.

To get to the Fire Palace, first head back to Kakkara via cannon travel. When you get there, go south, then west one screen, and north from there to get to the entrance. In the first room go in the left entrance, the right is a dead end. Follow the path until the room where everything goes red. Analyze the orb in the middle of the room, and use Exploder on it to clear the way.

(Not sure how fire + fire = cooled down room, but whatever.) Also, like in the Ice Country, just ignore the clouds, and throughout the rest of the palace avoid the red slimes as well. Stick to killing the Robin Hoods and you'll be fine. 2013-4.jpgIn the next area you'll see another orb that also says to use Salamando's magic, this time use Fireball to continue.

Go up the right side path surrouned by fire to get a chest with 1000 gold in it, then continue. In the next room go as far as you can to the left and go down those stairs. Fight to the back of this room to find another chest with an axe's orb, then go back. Now go down the hallway inbetween the two sets of stairs and keep going. You'll have to step on a switch and use the whip to get across a gap, and then you'll come to a room with torches everywhere with no exit.Cast freeze on the orb in the middle, which will put out all the torches but two of them. Walk between them to raise a stairwell that leads to the boss room.BOSS - MINOTAUR The Minotaur can knock you unconcious with his attacks from time to time, and if he does he can kill you before you're able to get up, so watch out for that.

He casts Defender on himself as well as Earth Slide on one person at a time. These are level 7, so they are pretty effective. He is weak to Sylphid, so hit him with Air Blast as long as you have the magic for it. You can avoid his attacks as long as you back off some while your attack meter is recharging, and he'll go down soon enough. You'll recieve a javelin's orb for defeating him.Finally, go to the stage room and raise the mana sword up to the seed. Now you can level your magic to 4.:) Use the magic rope to leave, and head back to Kakkara to cannon travel to a new area, the Empire.

Page Tools.At this point you can choose one of two things to do, which then branch back into one path after a bit. You can A: Go to Gaea's Navel straight away and get Popoi first, or B: Head to Pandora with Jema and get Primm. Gaea's Navel plays out the same if you have Primm or not, and if you get Popoi first, then the fight with 2 werewolves in the forest before you get Primm is a lot easier. (They're normal enemies but at this point they're HARD.) This page will explain getting Primm first, since you have to pass through Pandora to get to Gaea's Navel anyway.From the Water Palace head south. When you reach the fork in the road just keep going south.

Eventually you'll run into a much larger town than Potos, Pandora. As you walk around talking to people, everyone pretty much is silent and won't talk to you. Head to the right side of town and go up, you'll run into the palace. This place is a bit of a maze, but eventually, following the hallways, you'll run into a girl who says her father is ruining her life, she's going to forest to kill this witch and get her boyfriend back. That was Primm. In the larger door to the left you'll find Jema talking with the King and Queen about the situaion in the kingdom. It turns out that the witch that the soldiers by the Water Palace were going to attack is draining everyone's engery and making them act like zombies.

Jema says he's going to check out the ruins south of town, and tells you to go to Gaea's Navel again. You're going to the forest first instead. Now you can leave the palace and head to the left out of town. You eventually get to a basin area, which is where Gaea's Navel is located. For now, just head to the Haunted Forest. The Porobins are fairly annoying to deal with due to their range and the fact that they hide behind barriers. Just use the sword to cut your way into where they're hiding to kill them.

A little ways in you find Neko, the cat merchant. He's EVERYWHERE in this game. Save and grab any candy and chocolate you can afford and go into the warp panel up above.MINI BOSS - WEREWOLVES Here you find Primm being attacked by 2 Werewolves. These two hit HARD and can combo off each other, keeping you knocked down and killing you in 2-4 hits.

Try to keep your distance while waiting for those 100% attacks, and don't bother with charge attacks, they're way too slow to deal with these guys. Not only do they hit hard, but they have healing magic as well, so they take a while to kill.

If it takes a few tries, go level up by killing Porobins out in the forest, or go to Gaea's Navel and come back with Popoi. Once you beat the Werewolves, Primm explains that she's going after Dyluck, her soldier boyfriend, and that you're coming along like it or not. She also comes with a shiny new weapon, the Gloves.Now you can go through the forest for a while, but you'll have to come back with the Axe, so you'll need to head to Gaea's Navel. Be sure to confirm with Primm that you need the Axe by walking up to the trees you need to cut, otherwise when you get to Gaea's Navel, she'll take off and you have to find her again in the forest. Crash team racing ps4. Battleship craft hansa. After you have that conversation, you can leave and head back down to the basin area.You want this to happen ^ Not this ^.