Twin Dungeon Princess

Read Twin Dungeon Princesses 4 - Mother and Daughter Wedding Vows by rebis online at! Hello my Patrons! As I said, I resume working on Prina for a while, and drawing some new character design sketches! Today I hope to show you.

By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. AFinitDataCallback(key: 'ds:17', isError: false, hash: '46', data:functionreturn 'gp:AOqpTOGH7lT51kBkbZNFI0goQkUDQyjqLkq7geuPF8WcVheUPW0E0DEQeX7WdHgcpitSAU5O0YfZbN5cKNEwGw','Willy Chong Zhi Wei',null,2,null,null,null,'really chunii style nostalgia waifu collector. Offline, which is rare for a character collector game. I love it as you can play over and over again without getting bored. I love the fact that your character are identify as rpg video game character and have fun role playing, a nice subversion and tickles my childhood.

Worth every penny like Witchspring series, also another RPG i truly love.' ,468000000,5,'SSICOSM','Thank you. I'll make a better game.!' ,644000000,null,'2','Willy Chong Zhi Wei',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Zheng',null,2,null,null,null,'game so far. Edit: After grinding for hours I beat map 1 and I get nothing, and later game gets pointless as now the devs are making you waste more time by increasing the dang levels you need to beat by 100 per stage and it roughly takes a minute to 3 minutes per lvl. So if you are looking to beat the game, good luck its like hundreds of hours of nonstop gameplay. Beginning of game is great but once you make it to map 2 (after the evil dragon) it gets boring, without better gear and armor.'

,677000000,5,null,null,'0','Ricky Zheng',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Minnis',null,2,null,null,null,'should be able to move our character's around, more stuff and the rules of brother and sisters should be reversed, and need a choice of character play in the game with same story',739000000,3,null,null,'1','Carmela Minnis',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Nix',null,2,null,null,null,'bought the game for the artwork, which I'll admit is good. The spritework and animations are high quality. The game itself is slow and boring. The story and tutorial text boxes are poorly designed.

(They have a set time that you can speed up, but you can't tap a single box away, only skip the cutscene. Text will always automatically disappear, meaning whether you think it lasts too long, or not long enough, the only thing you can DO as a player is make them auto-play faster, or skip them ALL. You should be able to dismiss one text at a time.) The menu to select your attacks is inconvenient. It takes too much time to kill even basic enemies, because you have to generate mana to do basic attacks. The game would be more fun if you could rapidly tap the screen to build up mana faster. I only played for a few minutes, honestly, because I thought it was sluggish and dull.

It gets 2 stars for the artwork but otherwise it's 1 star.' ,991000000,3,null,null,'0','Justin Nix',null,null,2,null,null,null,'SaMa Spaulding',null,2,null,null,null,'Princess' with an RPG vibe; I love it. I honestly only have one criticism. Character text isnt always entirely readable, as the text either scrolls past the device's finite edge or seems to be in the background of the character's sub vector cutout.

Sadly, it throws away a bit of the immersion, but a simple fix will make this game a 5 star in my book. Amazing job.' ,442000000,0,'SSICOSM','Thank you. We will improve.:)',248000000,null,'0','Mushu SaMa Spaulding',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Ramos',null,2,null,null,null,'game, HORRIBLE interface. The skill buttons should be in one vertical row on top of the head of each character all the time, instead of tapping a character to see two rows of skills. Instead of putting the two back characters as portraits in the top of screen, they should be on screen and also have skills always appearing on one long vertical strip above them, in place of portraits.

As a real time RPG, opening menus to use skills is just bad. Also, some horizontal scrolling in combat.during attacks.

from monsters and characters would be perfect.' ,533000000,0,null,null,'1','Daniel Ramos',null,null,2,null,null,null,'vang',null,2,null,null,null,'is decent, it's your average hard grind and get op game.

End game content (Last boss n after) is extremely grindy. All my characters are lvl 70ish.


New characters are cool, but their skills are way too hard to level up since the new dungeons are too hard at higher difficulties. You get these characters every 50 stages on the first new dungeon.

Haven't gotten the dual gunner cuz too much grind. So, I can only get one skill book for them a dungeon If I'm lucky. Just be ready for a huge difficulty spike at the dungeons after the last boss.

All in all, decent game, is offline and burns time well. I just want the new character's skill books to drop in all areas just not the new ones. Makes them literally unplayable in the new areas cuz their skills are so weak.' ,87000000,0,null,null,'6','edward vang',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Heart',null,2,null,null,null,'absolutely love this game so much. U2764u2764u2764u2764u2764u2764 I wish for the stages you could rush them for equipment. Its confusing to explain. You know how some games you can rush a stage 10 times to get experience and equipment and money?

I think that would be cool. Makes grinding a little easier. Probably just me tho. Anyway it would be awesome to get more costumes too. Maybe add more features too. Maybe make more ways to get gold. All in all love this game so much.

I'd rate it 10/10. Keep up the good work.' ,325000000,0,'SSICOSM','Thank you. I will do my best.'

,276000000,null,'5','Purple Heart',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Ionescu',null,2,null,null,null,'so I think i've spent enough time on the game to give a proper review. This game definitely deserves a spot on the playstore. However, the game is still new and it really does need improving. I felt like the game would get boring quickly if there was no side-story to it at all, so it was a good call to make one (I'm eagerly waiting on chapter 2 lol). It isn't the best written story for a game, but I don't think that was really the point, it's a great addition. Many players have said this already but I will say it again.

Smooth UI is necessary. Music wise, it's rather half decent. And with that I mean half of the soundtracks are actually good, but the other half.gonna have to take the music in area B and C as an example, it really doesn't built up any 'battle' tension.

Other things I gotta mention is the somewhat lag I get when I open the inventory chests and it's full of 'new' items. Lastly there's just loads of bugs. I'm aware that the game is a work in progress and I'm writing this review for the simple opinion that you guys are on good tracks and i'd love to see more.' ,221000000,7,'SSICOSM','Thanks for your support and good review. We will work hard to make the game better:)',828000000,null,'3','Adrian Ionescu',null,null,2,null,null,null,'for answering fast answering my question.

I bought this game long ago didnt know that it has a free version. Anyway one of the thing i didnt like is about the textbox. If you can make a button to press for the next text to pop rather than holding it to fastforward the text to the next textbox to appear, it would be great. It would be better if you can view the scenes that you already unlocked, played this before it doesnt have it. Ill update this if i have some issues or things to say.'

,533000000,0,'SSICOSM','Free Ver: 10 Gold Start + ADnPay Ver: 60 Gold Start + No ADnThank You!:)',61000000,null,'0','Hellesis',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Austria',null,2,null,null,null,'in all the game has great potential. The story is nice aswell as the characters dialogues. The gameplay is cool but abit grindy. Characters look great and cute aswell as sexy even on their pixel forms. Btw I finished the Chapter 1. But Chapter 2 seems abit difficult to Delve unto.especially the characters are split into two Parties, and on early J Stages,their power is measly weakened due to this. Hope you would be so Kind enough to lower the Bar A little to clear some J stages until we get that New character.even getting the RED Drops are abit Difficult due to this.

Even if the Characters skill levels are at LV30 and Orange/Gold Set Equipments were in place.' ,57000000,0,null,null,'3','Miguel Austria',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Bear125',null,2,null,null,null,'bought your game today and I'm already in love with it, I hope that you'll continue to update this game as it grows in popularity and support.

I hope that you will add something loke event quests were you can get special loot and skins, if you read this thank you for making such a great game, I wish you best of luck with your amazing game.' Bear125',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Larson',null,2,null,null,null,'is similar in many ways to Darkest Dungeon, including the grindy aspect but not including the highly depressing story.

This fits me fine, there's only so many stories of utter hopelessness that I can take. Translation is okay, most annoying part is that some text gets cut off and words are missing every now and then. The gameplay seems a lot more important than the storyline for this game. Not bad, will keep playing for the time being.' ,824000000,0,'SSICOSM','Thank You!:)',557000000,null,'4','Richard Larson',null,null,2,null,null,null,'hung Nguyen',null,2,null,null,null,'gameplay was really good, not much IAP which is awesome for a mobile game. The artstyle is perfect IMO since I used to the anime fanservices.

The grinding didn't feel too bad at all. The only problem with this game is the overall game balance, specifically the character skills: ism skill are kind of meh, health cost on arie are a bit high, speed boost on liweli are kind of not fitting, etc. Although it just my opinion, you don't have to take it too seriously. Great game overall.' ,486000000,0,'SSICOSM','I will do my best.nThank you for your attention.' ,973000000,null,'1','gia hung Nguyen',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Benavides',null,2,null,null,null,'really love it, but it is missing 2 stars because text boxes usually overflow the text under the characters artwork making it impossible to read. The way the text boxes are handled is annoying, having to hold the box for few seconds until it skips to the next part and it throttles the whole screen, I really feel like I waste a lot of time on those interactions so please fix/upgrade your message system and I will gladly change this review to 5u2b50.'

Winds Of Trade is a strategy game about running an ocean trading company in the 18th century. Building your trading empire will not be your only goal! Ruthless pirates, shady smugglers, wartime and fierce competitors will make the way to the top a long and hard road for you! Trade

,633000000,0,'SSICOSM','I will make a better game. ,775000000,null,'3','u00c1lvaro Benavides',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Wong',null,2,null,null,null,'game. Classic RPG style game.

Would be nice if you could see your skill points while in the skill menu instead going into another window for it or trying to upgrade before seeing how much you have. Also maybe make a shop for random gear as well instead of just microtransactions.' ,40000000,0,null,null,'1','Michael Wong',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Wilkinson',null,2,null,null,null,'the graphics and premise of this game, I'm happy chapter 2 has dropped! As others have pointed out the controls and interface has some issues but over all a fun experience! Kinda miffed that after paying for the game you have to pay again for gold bars for new skins.' ,266000000,0,null,null,'5','Meghan Wilkinson',null,null,2,null,null,null,'M.' ,null,2,null,null,null,'is legit.

You've even got different character skins. Awesome so far. Only thing I can see is that progressing dialog is a little weird, and I can imagine the game likely gets repetitive, though I'm not super far yet. Keep updating the game and don't be afraid to ask fans for feedback on new features they may want.' ,493000000,0,'SSICOSM','Dear Jeff,nAppreciate your sincere comments. Chapter 2 is coming up soon and I will always listen to users' feedback to make any improvement on it. NGlad that you enjoy the game!'

,474000000,null,'8','Jeff M.' ,null,null,2,null,null,null,'was pretty disappointing to see how shallow the actual story is on top of the grindy rinse-and-repeat gameplay used to pad out the wholr experience. If I had to say though, it's still worth the money.

Just lots of room for improvement if you guys ever make another game.' ,827000000,0,null,null,'9','Mk',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Florian',null,2,null,null,null,'game thats easy to pick up but upgrading weapons and stats adds some depth.

The only improvement i would suggest is that in some cases after upgrading items the rune total doesnt update until you leave and go back to that item again. Great work though! ,548000000,0,'SSICOSM','Thank you!!!

We will improve!:)',777000000,null,'0','Derick Florian',null,null,2,null,null,null,'wolf and the dragon 2',null,2,null,null,null,'your party members efficiently is key to cpmbat system. I founs myself enjoying this game very much and still trucking throufh it. It has a little of a grind for gear and levels but if you pull through you are rewarded for your efforts.

I found the story to be intriguing and felt dor the characters as i continued my adventures. All over a great game that you can also play offline',126000000,0,'SSICOSM','Thank You!' ,6000000,null,'1','the wolf and the dragon 2',null,null,2,null,null,null,'NG Hien',null,2,null,null,null,'game is more than OK.

The characters are cute and the battle system is interesting. I wish the game has more items in the store.' ,64000000,0,null,null,'6','NGUYEN NG Hien',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Yang',null,2,null,null,null,'graphics may look bad in our current gaming society, but the girls still looks beautiful even if they were pixelated. Not only that I love the combat system where if your faster than the enemy you can kill them before they could even touch you!' ,827000000,0,null,null,'3','Vangneng Yang',null,null,2,null,null,null,'beam',null,2,null,null,null,'actually a real RPG I feel like now all mobile RPG just feel fake and Don't have the same feel as real RPGs do but this one does have that awesome feel of killing bosses getting good loot.

But the game does have some flaws like why make each section 50 level long it's just clear that they are expanding it for the sake of expanding it i'd rather have 25 levels with the chance at getting the gear it says and have higher difficulties give better chances at getting instead',760000000,0,'SSICOSM','I will do my best.nThank you for your attention.' ,130000000,null,'2','meme beam',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Vang',null,2,null,null,null,'is the worst game I ever played. Kind of play like a PC mobile phone game or something. It's just another PC touch screen gaming classic rpg style back in the old days game. Seems boring to play but the characters looks cute and very mature looking anime.

But their not very good at doing their part and I have to control their every moves.' ,293000000,0,null,null,'8','Xeng Vang',null,null,2,null,null,null,'part of an actual game.what i mean is your saying these guys are playing an mmorpg, but it doesnt feel like it, theres no town, no trade of gear, no buying of healing items and weapons. And the character designs are just pandering to teenage boys, they dont fit the character classes much, if at all.

Seriously make a study of sao or dot hack sign, great examples of character designs. Also your translation at least in english is TERRIBLE, maybe in the future provide a free copy of the game and some premium currency to a reliable translator in exchange for better quality translation.'

Check Your E-Mail Please.:)',113000000,null,'7','DrWilyeCoyote',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Shackelford',null,2,null,null,null,'

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