Armored Core Nexus Hidden Parts List

No optional parts, no consort run vs Massive MT using my main OP-I AC without the OP-I. One of the ways to destroy both small and large MT's when unlocking O. Armored Core Secret Parts & Codes Back to the Secrets Page. Secret Parts. Large Rocket: WR-L24 Eliminate Strikers 13000C. It's in a box in a hidden passageway in the wall underneath the platform you are standing on when you start the battle. Use your mapping system to find a box dangling in mid air on the side of the chamber.

From Software has turned into an annual plus alpha event. We swear it wasn't too long ago that we were writing about the Japanese version of Armored Core: Nexus. And with Armored Core: Formula Front set for December release, our next Armored Core playtest shouldn't be too far off.Which makes us wonder. Why does exist?

Nexus added some things to the series that people had been demanding for ages, true dual shock control among them. Formula Front is going to take the series in a whole new direction, with pure assembly-based gameplay and connectivity between the PSP and PS2. So what can Nine Breaker possibly bring to the table?After a couple of hours with the import, we think we've figured out just what Nine Breaker is: more of Nexus minus a few features.

First, the minus side. Nexus had a mission mode with a progressive story line (it actually may or may not have been progressive - we're not quite sure we understood it).

Nine Breaker doesn't have any hint of a story, nor does it have a mission mode. It doesn't even have one of those fancy CG introduction sequences.

Which brings us to the more side. Nine Breaker has battles.

Lots of them. In place of the CG intro is a gameplay montage showing realtime mech fights.Picture Gran Turismo except with mechs, and you have Nine Breaker. The entire Nine Breaker experience consists of assembling a mech from a variety of parts, paint jobs and logos, and taking it out to the battle field. Just as Gran Turismo is for people who love cars, those who pick up Nine Breaker had better love them some mech.We'll have to admit, the experience is as complete as fans of mech customization could possibly want. You're given a whole lot of parts to work with - over 400 in all, covering head, body, legs, arms, guns and all other areas of your mech. There's plenty of variety to the parts. In addition to traditional biped mechs, you can assemble spider-like eight legged machines, machines that ride atop tanks and machines that hover aboard aircraft.

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You can also design your own logos and tweak the paint job on a per-part basis. You're free to modify your mech whenever you please, swapping out parts, changing the paint and so-forth, with no penalty except for valuable minutes of your life lost (there's no money in this game).Once you've customized mech, you can try it out in multiple areas.

A test arena lets you play around with your new design against a couple of weak droids. The real fun is to be had in the Battle Arena, though. The game includes both Official Battle and Test Match battle modes. Select Test Match, and the game will generate a list of opponents for you. You can input a series of parameters which the opponents must meet, including Class, Rank, Leg Type and Weight, or you can have the game automatically generate an opponent compatible with your current class and rank.Defeating opponents in the Test Match mode earns you Arena Points. Earn enough points and you'll find yourself with an invite to an Official Battle. Defeating opponents in the Official Battle mode makes your mech rise in rank and class, and serves as the sole means of progression through the game.

Your goal is to get to the number one rank.While in battle, you'll find an experience not too far removed from Nexus. Visually, everything looks basically the same. You can select between the classic B type controls or the A type controls first featured in Nexus; this latter setting makes the game control like a shooter, with viewing controlled via the right analogue thumb pad and movement via the left one.

From Software has added the ability to remap the buttons to your liking, although we found ourselves sticking with the default settings.Nine Breaker does include one area that separates it from other Armored Core games: a training mode. In the training mode, you undergo a series of timed tests involving vertical and horizontal movement, attack precision and defense. Clear one test and a more difficult one appears, with 140 tests included in all. Rugby 08 pc download. The term 'training' is a somewhat false one here; there's no training involved.

In fact, we'd say that some of the tests are impossible unless you've equipped a suitable mech.All the usual multiplayer options, including i.Link and ethernet network support complete the staples that Armored Core fanatics should be expecting. Our play time with Nine Breaker suggests a game that was made to please fans of the series - the same folks who've bought enough of these games to make From Software produce nine over a span of seven years (with two more on the way before the year is out).