Cube 2 Sauerbraten Importing Textures

The Cube 2 examples are levels mimicking the Minecraft screenshots, built in the newest release of Cube 2, using only the default textures. I did, however, avoid using Cube 2's smaller cubes and the more advanced features, so that everything would be made out of single-sized cubes like in Minecraft. Minecraft to Sauerbraten.

Detailed descriptionRaZgRiZ Productions proudly presents.SimonOC's Egyptian Texture Pack, FULL EDITION, converted for Sauerbraten!The package includes a of textures, including their color variations! That's a whooping 7 pages of egyptian delicacy right in your texture browser!Changes to the original pack include:- Folder and file arrangements- Name fixes and changes- Conversion of TGA available-only textures- Something.The pack comes with 3 configs, which include:- default.cfg, which contains all the textures using the stdworld shader- glow.cfg, which contains some textures that can use the glowworld shader- package.cfg, which pretty much executes both of the configs mentioned above.- also i've included a licence file. Hehe already have those textures. Perhaps you understand yourself why i didn't bother to create extra texture maps for all the diffuse textures. All of the 479 textures would require 3 to 4 extra texture maps, skyrocketing the actually small overall pack size easily up to a whooping 60MB if not less.

Then again the config would easily be 5 times the size of what it is now, surpassing 100KB in size.:PThe reason as to why the textures are not entirely in the game is because we have a stupid system that practically allows only 12 pages of textures. The same system is fixed so that only a few select textures remain in the game in order to be within the limits, and then again you have several different texture packs crammed into the same space, making a visual mess. Go figure why maps look so bland and linear when you have no 'artistic' freedom in terms of environment and resources.Regarding your comment about gray-scale textures, they are not. There are practically no gray-scale images in this pack, and if there are, they are part of the different color schemes.

I'm sure you've noticed how each texture setup comes in many variations, which allows you to make rooms with the same texture yet different colors and plan, allowing you to more actively recycle parts and styles (or at least get lost in the chaos).Their size is not something to worry about since for this many a texture, the space required is a tiny portion. Perhaps i could shave a MB or two if i re-saved every.jpg in 98-99% quality, in which case the file size drops considerably for virtually no quality loss.

But i don't plan on doing that without some automatation; if some knows a way, i'm listening.-Apart from that, i'm updating the package to reflect a fix for an incorrect file name which resulted in faulty glowmaps.Also, a link to his website and work will be added, for the sake of his honor in Cube 2.:). You should be able (like there has been told in the 'history' document) to save up 64K of textures per map (probably bump-, glow-, spec-, height- and envmaps are also getting calculated).Because on 1 texture pallete there can be 96 textures stored (12.8), that would mean you only use 1196 textures (96.12). Sounds like a lot less as you are telling, even only the default textures calculated.I'm sorry but you probably misunderstood me.

I was meaning with 'grey-scaled' textures, the texture wich have less colour than the similar version wich has more colour in it.True, they aren't grey-scaled. You are fully right in that part. Well, perhaps you're looking at the wrong texture pack, cause i WILL NOT be including normal, height or specular maps for this texture set. It's all you get, and if you want the extra candy, you'll have to make it yourself.And yea, they're plain textures, what did you expect from me, draw smiling faces on them? Perhaps i should have made my own textures, would that have made you think otherwise of them? You can't expect your oven to make the beds for you, and you can't expect from me to go through all this just to please a handful of people who would like the candy but don't really have a need for it. Well, after thinking about your reply it's clear your opinion of Simon's work is that you don't care for improving it!

Storage Bay R12 (x2) and R13 (x2) at T1. Into eternity band. Running is now a little slower.

Also if you can't take constructive criticism then your on the wrong forum! We look for the best out of people for a reason! It's so when some one else post a nod of similar content one content won't be better then the other! Otherwise admins will need to come back someday to an older less better content of the same thing to clear it off the sever! So asking you to improve the work is not out of the question and do to your ugly response I will deduct one point!

However much you'd like to be the one being right here, you're utterly wrong and it's sad how you try to intimidate me.What i think of Simon's work is that it is an awesome texture pack, and i'm really happy that i'm sharing it with everyone else here on Quadropolis. I do not plan to 'improve', nor want to, and if you want to improve it, you're free to do so.There is no constructive criticism for this content. The textures are top quality and blend in together seamlessly. I don't see how your nagging is supposed to be interpreted on a public or personal level as constructive criticism. I dare say it's obvious you have no idea when criticism is really constructive or when it's just a bunch of words that aim nothing but to demean.The fact that you deduct points that are supposed to rate the quality, presentation and ease of usage of the content out of personal spite shows how much you really know and how mature you really are. I doubt you took the chance to read back to yourself what you wrote to see how wrong it really is and how much of an 'ass' it makes you look.For your information, i am an admin here, and i have high standards myself.

If some content is not worth someone's effort, you'll pretty much see me and generally everyone else disapproving. If that is the case, the content is removed for lack of quality. We cannot define quality. Actual players with actual expectations are those who cast the final vote.-It seems to me that you are trying to play the all-knowing and always-right person, only though you're neither making any progress, nor fooling anyone.I don't have anything against you, and i don't plan to continue this conversation any further.

If you don't like the content, remove your vote and go elsewhere to flame and hate. This is no place to do so.