Jewel Quest Seven Seas Level 120 Expert

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Here are some of my observations from playing this level:-You want a setup where the top row is reachable in at least one corner to start with, and some available matches near the rocks when the board loads.-If you aren't getting into the rocks by the time you use 20 moves, restart.-Shoot the wheels downwards to break the rocks first, but if the rocks there are already broken, shoot the wheel up to get some of the tricky spots on top.-Get the spots on the left and right center cleared out and empty because you need those spaces for dumping jewels later. The really 'fun' ( ) part of this level is getting the bottom center cleared out so you can setup M4s to ring the bells. The only spot which is really accessible for ringing the left bell is the single space at the very bottom. The trick here is to pay attention to what's in the 2 columns feeding jewels into the bottom center. You have to get it so there's a pair of the same color on both columns with nothing else in between (or else if they are diamonds, to be able to dump the diamonds into the drop spots to remove them). This requires some luck with the game 'working with you', but you can also discard unwanted jewels into the empty spaces in the middle sides that you created earlier to set up the pairs in each column.Then you have to bring the 4 jewels down such that you make the M4 over the single spot at the bottom to get the wheel to drop into that space and ring the left bell.

Setting up a wheel for ringing the right bell is considerably easier, so if the jewels aren't quite cooperating with you at the moment, try making a wheel to line up with the right bell so when you ring that one, it clears out any pesky jewels in the way for setting up the harder left bell M4. If you are paying attention to where the diamonds are in the 2 feeder columns and discarding unwanted jewels beforehand, you can also get it set up for moving diamonds when you use the wheel. When the game is really 'working with you' in this level, it's not uncommon to get wheels up at the top, in which case you should try to use one of them for clearing space in the second row from the top. It's surprising, but the cascades will often help you with the top corners when the game gets in the right mood.-It takes practice to be able to spot how the jewels will line up at the bottom center. I can't tell you how many times I've messed this up and had to restart because I would get a jumble there from dragging the jewels around incorrectly!

If you get this right, breaking the rocks in the center isn't too's more a matter of not having to discard too many jewels in the empty middle spots before running out of moves. If you've been playing a while in your current session, put the game down for at least a few hours before attempting expert 120. The game puts the hammer on you after playing for a while (must be the devs idea of getting players to take a break?).-Don't beat your head against the wall too much in any one session with this board. It IS doable, but there's still the element of luck involved with winning, even with all these tips.

So if nothing appears to be happening, move on for a while and keep trying later.-Good luck!

Hi, rainbowtree,I didn't see your thread until after I posted a different thread: 'Love/Hate Relationship with this game'.I agree with everything you said. I've gotten to expert level 82 (which is timed-ugh!) But, I decided to stop after a couple of tries, because my brain won't work fast enough to collect the seven shells along with ringing the bells twice. It might have something to do with my staying up till 4 am this morning! I guess 3-starring expert level 81 was my biggest accomplishment today!Since you posted this 2 days ago, you were on expert level 60 - where are you now?Edited on at 3:51:59 PM PST.

Hey, Synth, I'm sorry that you're having trouble. You have been the inspiration for so many players for a long, long time. You are probably the BEST M3 player to have ever played this genre, and I respect and admire your abilities, as well as your willingness to help everyone you can!I know that not being able to get through a level in this game after several attempts, does not necessarily reflect on your skill. The luck of getting a workable board does play a BIG factor. If you really dislike this game, who am I or anyone for that matter, to try and convince you to continue playing. Your free time right now is too valuable to waste on a game that makes you feel like you're banging your head against the wall! I truly want to cheer you up, but telling you that I got this level with 3 stars on my first attempt won't do it, because I just got extremely lucky!!!

Somehow I was able to line up wheels (one below the middle bell and another lined up in the middle of the other two bells) and get 3 rings in one shot! It would probably take MANY attempts to duplicate that again!I mentioned to you in another post that it's not as easy for me to work setups in the collapse mode, but I did learn early on in this mode, that whichever jewel you click on in a group of 4 determines where the wheel ends up (in most cases). Anyway, I don't know why I'm trying to give you advice that you don't need, because that's not your issue with this game.But, I would like to ask you to explain what you mean by the dev not incorporating the feature of letting you work setups into place. I know I sound dumb by asking that, but other than the fact that it's the luck of the board, the jewels do fall predictably in most cases to setup matches or whatever. So, I must not be seeing or understanding something? Please enlighten me, Master! Rogue galaxy factory guide manual.

Hi skpjazz, about the 'working setups into place' I've noticed that in Heritage that if you had a pair in a tight spot (a good example is the little L shaped corners on a couple of the Luis de Arteche boards), once you got the key spot empty for making setups, all you had to do was make a match or 2 in the open area of the board, and the jewel you would need for the setup in the tight spot would immediately appear to be brought down with moves. In the later stages of expert mode, the game would 'stop working with you' by withholding the jewel you would need (I can confirm this occurs if I've been playing too long in a gaming session) so that when there would be a pair in a corner, it would actually refuse to give you the jewel for the match until you 'messed up' that pair.then the jewel you were missing would magically appear at the top of the board! (argh)Anyway, I've noticed that with so few moves/time given especially in the expert mode here, the game doesn't seem willing to give the piece(s) needed for quick setups right off even if you have an idea of what the strategy should be. I'll go back and try it again to see if maybe it's a form of the 'stopping working with you' thing where you just need to put the game down for a while before it'll cooperate with you again, but if I keep going nowhere will have to say this will be only the fifth M3 to own me, LOL!Thanks for posting about where the wheels end up. I was going to post that in the tips thread and forgot about it earlier. You're right in that the jewel you move for the M4 is the spot the wheel will appear in, so in many cases it's important not just to make M4s, but how you make them is a big part in if you can ring bells or get a tricky row/column cleared. Well, after 2 more hours of trying, I finally got past level 28 in expert!

It might have been a fluke but I also 3 starred it. Currently at level 41 and I may be the only one who wishes there were more timed levels because I'm finding those much easier to finish than the limited moves boards. Have given up on trying to get 3 stars on anything in expert unless it just happens.P.S. @ skpjazz I finally won level 28 when I got the 3 rings on one move twice in the level.crazy hard to get the wheels lined up correctly two times!

The spots on the far left and right sides and the bottom corners were driving me nuts too. There were several instances in which I got all the bells but there would be spots left scattered all over the corners.Edited on at 7:06:33 PM PST.

Congrats SynthpopAddict on getting expert 28! I knew you could do it (of course), but I didn't think you were willing to keep on replaying and banging your headGood. If you're back in the game (or anyone else who's still playing), hurry up and get to expert level 82, and tell me what you think. If you like the timed levels and find them easier, this one gives you 3 minutes to ring 4 bells twice and drop off 7 shells. I can get the bells, but not all the shells, then if I concentrate on the shells first, I run out of time for the bells!After not getting level 82 in a few tries, I was curious to go back to 28 to see if I could duplicate what I did the first time around.

To my amazement, I was able to ring the 3 bells in one shot several times. I discovered that its relatively easy to get a wheel on the space above the middle bell, and since it can't drop down, it's safe there until you can set up the second wheel either above it or below it.BTW, rainbowtree, I haven't heard from you since you were at expert level 60. Have you caught up on your sleep and have you finished? Would love to hear from you. Skpjazz wrote:snippedGood. If you're back in the game (or anyone else who's still playing), hurry up and get to expert level 82, and tell me what you think.

If you like the timed levels and find them easier, this one gives you 3 minutes to ring 4 bells twice and drop off 7 shells. I can get the bells, but not all the shells, then if I concentrate on the shells first, I run out of time for the bells!Level 74 was giving me fits all day until I finally got past it. Thanks for your reply though. I'd deleted the first post in the thread just a little while ago, so I think I broke that thread.Anyway, about level 82, I did it with the 'clickfest' technique:-Clear out the lower left corner drop spot and use that one only for dragging shells into. I focused on doing the shell goal first because the shells disappear after that goal's done, which makes it easier to find matches later.-The number of shells that can be on the board is limited, so if there were any not around the left corner I would pop them, then pop around the left corner spot to get new shells in the vicinity.-Otherwise, I didn't think too much about what I was popping, only looked for groups of the same color and clicked away at a crazy rate. When I was working on the shells, I would use the wheels/coins to help move shells down, but after that, if a wheel happened to be in the right place, used it on the bells. Congrats SynthpopAddict and skpjazz for getting 3 stars on level 28.

I only got 1 star. Planning to go back when (wishful thinking) I finish level 120. Oftentimes I am totally surprised when I complete the level with 3 stars.Sometimes I think the dev created a few levels just for the sheer frustration factor. Level 101 is insane. Seems no way to problem solve to create 10 wheels in a challenging board with limited moves as well as turn all the squares gold. Used every trick I know and am still stuck on that level.

Ugh!Edited on at 11:37:00 AM PST. I have good news and bad news. The good news is I made it to level 120 in expert mode. The bad news is if you thought some of the previous levels in expert were hard, you haven't seen anything until you see this one! Unfortunately I think this board is beyond even my skill level to complete and I am going to move on.

If you have been playing the JQ series all along you might remember that some of the super hard bonus levels in JQII took some very persistent players MONTHS to get lucky enough to beat. Level 120 expert looks to be another one of these cases, as I can see what you're expected to do, but there doesn't really appear to be a way to do it in the moves allotted.Just a heads up for those who haven't made it there yet and are frustrated at some earlier point. You might just want to quit while you're ahead! I'm finally back playing again, and thanks to SynthpopAddict, I made it through expert level 82, and now I'm struggling with 101, which rainbowtree is correct. It is a little insane! (I'll get it in a few more tries.)But, I'm disappointed to hear that expert 120 doesn't appear doable (yet), because I am really curious if the JQ devs provided more levels after this one.

The only reason I thought there might be more is that the description of this game said there were 'hundreds of levels'. I'm not sure if 240 qualifies for 'hundreds', but over 300 might.If you're out of the game now-SynthpopAddict-I'll let you know (for sure) if I complete 120. Somehow, though, I have a feeling that if anyone gets it, it'll probably be you (or no one). I did it, I did it!!!

After 2 days and literally hundreds of attempts I finally beat the dreaded expert 120. There is nothing 'expert' about it IMO, it's a matter of really getting lucky. At one point I was so tired of the flipping level I went back to previous levels to get more stars. Didn't win them all, but I can walk away now. My final stats: 9,639,960 and 675 out of 720 possible stars.Yeesh, and I thought the last board of Princess T. In expert mode of Heritage was a nightmare!Spoiler alert in case anyone's wondering what happens after expert 120: click and drag in white space to readYou get another little dialog between Rupert and Natalie to watch and then the game credits roll.

There aren't any more levels to play. I'm frankly relieved there aren't LOL.

end spoiler. Fantastic, SynthpopAddict!! I can almost hear your cheers!I had to stop playing yesterday because my mouse cursor was lagging, but it's fixed now, and I'm only at expert 109. 101 had me there for a while, and it was so maddening when I got all 10 wheels and just one tile to turn gold and I blew it.but I finally got it after just a few more tries!Anyway, I had faith in you that you wouldn't let this game defeat you!Thanks for the spoiler alert info, but I'm curious what the goals are for expert 120 - I don't recall you telling us in your previous posts!What's next???

Are you aware of another good M3 in the making? Hi skpjazz, yes that was me screaming my head off last night LOL. Good to hear you made it past expert 101!The goals in expert 120 are to do all the spaces, fill 2 diamond spots with 3 diamonds each, and ring 2 bells twice each in 100 moves or less. It sounds like a lot of moves, but trust me, it isn't.I'm waiting for BF to get the latest Antique Shop game because I enjoyed the last one. Claws & Feathers 3 is in development and so is a new game from the Jewel Match developer (they can't tell me anything about it right now though). It sounds like the Button Tales developer might make a sequel to that game too?In the meantime I'm such a sick fishie that I went back to see if I could get more stars on the expert boards that I missed getting all the stars upon. I got it down to 14 levels and 20 stars left to get.Edited on at 11:21:34 AM PST.

You just made my day.all of those games I love and will be looking forward to them coming out. It's funny, I was just thinking yesterday that I wish another Claws & Feathers would come out. Tonka rescue truck. That game always puts me in a good mood; the music and sounds are amusing and very uplifting. I love the concept of that game!Again, VERY impressive on your progress with the stars! I think at this point, if I make it through expert 120, I'll be happy with the 3-starred levels I have now. But, then again.