Viva Pinata Party Animals Guide

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1 guideThere are speed ramps on every race course in the game. You just need to use 3 in one race for this achievement.Once you have successfully finished the race, you will see the results screen along with all of the achievements you have successfully unlocked, popping in succession. When that has finished you will be taken to a Challenge Event. The Challenge Events will be random, so you will have no idea what Mini-Game you will be playing. The goal however is mostly the same in which you would either need to remain in first place, earn the highest score of something, or obtain the most of items, such as candy.Some Challenge Events contain odd achievements which you can do. Don't worry if you tried and failed on any of them, because you can always replay the Challenge Event again in Practice Mode.When you have finished the Challenge Event, you'll be taken into the 2nd race. Now since you have won the previous race without using a power-up for the Pacifist Achievement (if you have), you will now be able to use power-ups and items to assist you in the races, as well as earn you more achievements.

1 guideOne of the power-ups in the race is the Flutterscotch Wings. When activated it will give you wings which puts your character in flight, allowing you to get ahead and overtake opponents which are in front of you. This easy achievement can be done by simply using the power-up to overtake 1 opponent. Like the other achievements this one pops at the results screen.You should have successfully won your 2nd race, so you will now be taken to the 2nd Challenge Event. Complete this challenge and try and win in 1st place. After your 2nd Challenge Event, you will be taken to your 3rd and final race.

Once again use all the power-ups and try and finish in 1st place.Finally after your last race you will be taken to the final Challenge Event. Once you've completed this Challenge Event, you will be taken to the Ending Results Screen where the announcers will reveal the winner, the prizes and any outstanding achievements which have yet to be unlocked. 2 guidesNow that you have finished your first playthrough and you have picked up some experience in the game play, it's time for me to explain some achievements to you. This will give you an idea on how to save time, effort and replay in this game.For every game you complete, short, medium or long, you will unlock some concept art which can be accessed in the 'Options Menu', and then selecting 'Bonus Content'. You will then see a load of?'

S, and 1 picture unlocked since you have already completed 1 game from the previous step. A picture is unlocked for each game you complete, and since there's a total of 20, it means you have to do a total of 20 Playthroughs.

The length of the game doesn't affect how many pictures you get, because you still only get 1. You cannot start a game and quit it, as that will not unlock any concept art. You can however play the games offline or online. 3 guidesNote: This achievement requires you to either have a 2nd controller or extra players on Xbox Live.I could have explained this achievement and get you started on Step 1, but I thought it was best for you to have a playthrough and get you into the game. I should say that this achievement does require a good amount of playthroughs, but not as much as the 'So Awesome' Achievement.This achievement requires you to play as all 8 characters in the game, but also in their alternate costumes.

The only way you can get the characters alternate costume is for 2 players to be the same character, allowing you to select their alternate costume. The A.I however does not choose the same player that you are, so you'll either have to use a 2nd controller or boost this on Xbox Live.To get the characters’ alternate costume, when in the characters selection screen, get the person or controller who does not want the achievement to select the character who you want to have an alternate costume. Once done you will then need to choose your character which should be the same one as the 2nd controller or boosting buddy, and then you will see yourself in a different skin colour, indicating that the trick worked.The next step will require you to dedicate yourself a bit of time and do a good amount of playthroughs. So if you have some controllers or extra players, now might be a good chance to get this achievement done as well as some others. If you don't have any controllers, I suggest that you leave this until the Online Step later on which will be explained in the walkthrough.Long Playthrough. 3 guidesIn this step, you will be doing 2 Long Playthroughs in 'Offline Mode'.

In order for you to earn the 'Redhott Racer' achievement you will need to complete all of the races in the game. A Short & Medium Playthrough will not give you all of the race tracks in the game, because they are all in a strict order. This means you will have to do a Long Playthrough in order to get them. Now at the same time you will want to set the Challenge Events a minimum of 1 Challenge Event per race again.

If you select more, the playthrough will last longer and it will take approximately 1hr - 1hr 30m to even complete 1 of these Long Playthroughs.By doing this, you will do a total of 7 Races and 7 Challenge Events. But this will not unlock the achievement, as you have to do the races both 'Forward' and 'Reverse'. To change this option when setting up the game, select the Race Tracks as Forward or Reverse respectfully.I hate to say this, but in order to get this achievement, you will need to do 2 different long playthroughs, which will give you a total of 14 Races and 14 Challenge Events. On the other hand this will unlock more Challenge Events and Races towards the 'All Your Game Are Belong To Us' achievement. Plus you can go for other achievements at the same time.

1 guideThis is also a good time for you to get this achievement as well. It requires you to find all of the shortcuts in all of the races on the game. Strangely you only have to do this achievement on the first 7 Race Tracks, which means you don't have to do the 'Reverse' ones if you left that out, or the 'Forward' ones if you left that out. Also if say for example you didn't find all of the shortcuts on one Race Track in one direction, but found them all on the same track in the opposite direction, then that will also count towards the achievement.Here is a video guide collection hidden in Spoilers, that will show you all of the shortcut locations on each level in the game. Credit for the collection of the videos goes to pedlezelnip. The videos might not be in the order the tracks are featured in as the tracks could be random.

2 guidesThis achievement also requires you to use all 8 characters in the game. During the races, there is a Missile power-up which is a Rocket coloured Red. Whilst playing as each character during a race, you will need to grab the item boxes and hope one of them contains one of these weapons. When you have one simply use one against an opponent and that will count towards this achievement. Once the 8th player has used the rocket on an opponent, the achievement will unlock at the results screen.It is best to stay around 2nd or 3rd place during the races as that would give you a high chance in getting you one of these weapons.Note: You can make this achievement easier by using more than 2 controllers.Character AchievementsEach character in the game has one specific assigned achievement to them. They can be unlocked if you successfully complete the requirement whilst you play as that character. Since you are playing as each character on this playthrough, it is a good idea to try and go for these achievements at the same time.

If in any case you would fail at unlocking one of these achievements for any character, you would either have to do another playthrough with that character or try again later in the online step. 2 guidesCharacter Required: Franklin FizzlybearSkill: HardThis can be a challenging achievement.

You need to complete a full game as Franklin Fizzlybear without making him fall over in any of the races. This means you must not crash into any walls or make him slip over any obstacles, which can make your character fall over. The best way into getting this achievement is to stick to the standard routes and don't take any shortcuts.

Try and remain in 1st place and stay ahead. If your screen gets covered with something like honey or goo, then just stay idle until it disappears.Note: In order to get this achievement you will have to complete a full playthrough to get it. On this occasion you would have to do 3 Races without falling over in order to get it.

2 guidesCharacter Required: Francine Fudgehog & A Player/Computer As Fergy FudgehogSkill: EasyIf you have a 2nd controller, you can make this achievement easy by selecting the player going for the achievement as Francine Fudgehog and the 2nd controller as Fergy Fudgehog. If you don't have a 2nd controller you'll have to either keep on selecting Francine Fudgehog and hope that a Fergy Fudgehog is your opponent or boost it online later.To unlock this achievement simply lose a Race or a Challenge Event as Francine Fudgehog, while playing against an opponent who is Fergy Fudgehog. 1 guideCharacter Required: Florence Fizzlybear & A Player/Computer As Franklin FizzlybearSkill EasyIf you have a 2nd controller, you can make this achievement easy by selecting the player going for the achievement as Florence Fizzlybear and the 2nd controller as Franklin Fizzlybear.


If you don't have a 2nd controller, you'll have to either keep on selecting Florence Fizzlybear and hope that a Franklin Fizzlybear is your opponent or boost it online later.You need to do a Race in order to get this achievement. Simply play the race and don't use a power-up on Franklin Fizzlybear whilst playing as Florence Fizzlybear. If he is ahead of you, don't use a weapon such as a missile, etc. You also don't want to use a weapon which attacks all 3 players at the same time.

2 guidesCharacter Required: Hailey Horstachio & A Player/Computer As Hudson HorstachioSkill: EasyIf you have a 2nd controller, you can make this achievement easy by selecting the player going for the achievement as Hailey Horstachio and the 2nd controller as Hudson Horstachio. If you don't have a 2nd controller, you'll have to either keep on selecting Hailey Horstachio and hope that a Hudon Horstachio is your opponent or boost it online later.You need to win a Race or a Challenge Event as Hailey Horstachio, while playing against an opponent who is Hudson Horstachio. 2 guidesCharacter Required: Fergy FudgehogSkill: MediumThis achievement will come overtime. While playing as the character Fergy Fudgehog, you will need to collect a total of 1000 Pieces of Candy. This is across all of your games and it only applies to Challenge Events which contain Candy, rather than it being the prized candy.

I suggest you either use this character as your default until you get this achievement, or you keep on playing Challenge Events which contain candy in Practice Mode until you get the achievement. 1 guideCharacter Required: Hudson Horstachio x 4Skill: EasyUnless you have 4 controllers, you will not be able to get this achievement until you boost it using the online step later. If you do have 4 controllers all you do is setup all 4 of them and get all 4 to select Hudson Horstachio as their playable character. Once done the achievement will unlock shortly after before the Race/Challenge Event begins.Race AchievementsEarlier in the walkthrough I mentioned certain Race achievements you'll get as you play the game. There are some I've missed but I'm sure you would either have some or all of them by now.

Here are the ones which I've missed out and my guide into getting them. 4 guidesSkill: HardUnless you have 4 controllers the best way into getting this achievement is to stay around 2nd or 3rd place in a Race.

Grab all of the Item Boxes you can get and quickly use all of the power-ups, allowing you to free up space for another power-up. Make sure you take note of which power-up you have used, so that you can quickly dispose of it if you have already used it. You have to use all power-ups which are in the game in one single race to get this achievement.List of the power-upsFiesta Missile (Red Missile)Pollinator (Yellow Flower)Water Bomb (Blue Looking Bomb)Super-Charged Candy (Blue Candy with Stripes)Flutterscotch Wings (Pink Butterfly Wings)Rocket Pack (Blue Rocket)Buzzlegum Honey Slick (Yellow Beehive)Fizzly Bloater (The Soda Looking Drink)Smokebomb (Red Bomb With A Face)Challenge Event AchievementsAs described earlier, some Challenge Events also contain different achievements as well as races. There are some which are very easy to do, but also some which are difficult.

Keep in mind as well that if you’re playing Short, Medium or Long Games and you come across a Challenge Event which you haven't successfully obtained the achievement on, you would only have one chance to try and get it. If you fail you will have to re-play the Challenge Event in Practice Mode since you should have unlocked it in that game mode to play. 1 guideChallenge Event Required: Spotlight ManiaSkill: MediumThe goal in this Challenge Event is to be the one longest in the Spotlight, so that you can obtain the most candy. However your opponents will try and tuck in with you so that they can get some candy too. To shove them out the way, simply press when you're close to them. If you knock them out the spotlight, you will prevent them getting more candy. Attack and shove all 3 players in the game at least once and you will get this achievement.Note: The opponents can shove you as well.

2 guidesChallenge Event Required: Snow-Bowl DodgeballSkill: Medium/HardI found this achievement a little tricky. As time goes by in this Challenge Event, the ball grows bigger making it a bit more difficult to avoid.

My only suggestion is if you want this achievement is to run around in a full circle from the top, and travel either left or right downward and then back up again. You will without doubt, have to sacrifice a win in this Challenge Event but that won't affect the achievement as it will still unlock if you lose the match anyway. 2 guidesChallenge Event Required: Short FuseSkill: HardNot an easy achievement. You are all placed in a circle and one of you is given a bomb. You are given candy for every second you hold the bomb. You must then quickly pass it on to someone else before the bomb blows. When it blows the player who gets hit loses all of their candy.

The game doesn't give you a prediction as to when the bomb is going to explode, so this Challenge Event will require quick decision as to whether you should pass the bomb or hold it for another second or two. If you’re having trouble with this achievement, I suggest you either use extra controllers or boost it online. 4 guidesChallenge Event Required: Swing For The StartsSkill: HardForget about winning the game, because you won't be able to do so if you want this achievement. The apple which you must whack to hit the target will float up and down for a short period of time before it starts becoming still.

The perfect place to hit the apple is around the lower part, where it's close to the tube it comes out of.When you successfully hit the target, it will most likely start spinning around in circles. Do not take another whack on the apple until the target has stopped spinning and goes back still.

If you whack the apple while the target it spinning it is guaranteed to be a 100% miss. You will need 4 hits in a row to get this achievement.

If you’re having trouble with this achievement, I suggest you either use extra controllers or boost it online. 1 guideChallenge Event Required: Burps AhoySkill: Easy/MediumIf you’re a good button masher, then you'll have no problem getting this. The Challenge Event requires you to rapidly tap the button to drink your bottle, and then press 2 other buttons in sequence to make your character perform the biggest burp. An example would be pressing then, then then etc. Once your character has done a burp they will push their boat forward. There is a finish line on this Challenge Event, and the first one to reach the end is the winner. You need to be the first one to cross your boat over the line to get this achievement.Note: This Challenge Event can also decide a winner if the time runs out, so keep that in mind when playing this one.

1 guideChallenge Event Required: Tricky TreatsSkill: HardYou are all pesters in different colours, and Pumpkins will appear time to time on the screen. You need to smash them by rapidly tapping the button to dash through them. To get this achievement you will need to destroy 25 or more pumpkins in a single game.The trouble with this event is that the opponents will also go for the pumpkins, and if you accidentally hit an opponent you both will fall over, delaying your chance in getting more pumpkins.

The best way into getting this achievement is to use extra controllers or boost this online. 4 guidesThere are some Challenge Events which allow you to grab more than 99 pieces of candy, so for this achievement you have a choice among a selection of Challenge Events to get this achievement.

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There is a couple though which will start you off with a set amount of candies, which won't easily get you up to 99. Plus there are Challenge Events as well which don't feature candy.If however you’re stuck and you’re looking for a Challenge Event which can help you get this achievement quickly, I suggest 'Bug Blitz'. In that game you are armed with a cannon and you just simply aim your cursor and fire. If any bugs get in your target, you will kill them and automatically grab the candy which comes out of them. The bigger the bug the more points you get.

1 guideSkill: Medium/HardThere are only 2 ways in which you can get these 2 achievements easily. Controllers or Online Boosting. Despite that you can easily win 3 Challenge Events in a row and get the 'Whirl Streak' achievement, it is highly likely that you will lose a Challenge Event some point, which will break the streak. Or you will do Short Games, giving you only a couple Challenge Events to do since these achievements can only be done on one playthrough.If you decide to use the controller method, make sure you keep an eye on the controllers which will turn into computers after staying idle for a short period of time.Step 4: OnlineWe’re now going to take the game another step and we'll be going for the online achievements. There are not many online achievements to do on this game, but don't forget that you can also do most of the achievements we've already talked about online as well.Now the online community is not very active these days, so in order to get most of the online stuff, you will have to boost it with either some other players who own this game, or with additional controllers (or both). If you're having trouble finding online players to help you with this game, consider creating some for help.If you prefer to be a quiet one and you have additional controllers, you can actually create online private games and place in the extra controllers, signing them all as Guest accounts.An alternative solution is you can actually use both methods at the same time.

For instance if you have just 1 boosting partner and you have a total of 3 controllers, you can put yourself and the controllers in a private game and then invite the boosting partner to the lobby, creating a total of 4 players. Another example is if you still have 1 boosting partner, but you both have a 2nd controller you can create a lobby with yourself and your controller, and then invite the partner who can sign in the 2nd controller from there.It's totally optional how you want to setup the online structure for this step, but keep in mind that there will be achievements that will require you to boost with other players.Online Achievements Which Have To Be Done Via Boosting. 3 guidesIf you decide to boost this achievement online with just 2 of you, you will need to co-ordinate with your partner so that you can both pick 2 of the same characters. Once that's out the way one of you should be in a different coloured skin, whilst the other player keeps themselves in the standard skin colour.

Be aware that if you decide to use this method that in order to unlock the achievement for both you, that you will have to do a total of 16 games as there are 8 characters in the game. 1 guideYou can boost these achievements online if you and your partner/s take turns in getting the achievements.

First decide who is going to get these achievements, and then get the host to set up a Short or Medium game with at least 2 - 3 Challenge Events per Race. When a Challenge Event occurs the person who is getting the achievements wins all of the games which appear. Keep on doing this until they have won their 7th game.

After their 7th consecutive victory the achievement will unlock. Once done switch over and hopefully a 2nd person will have enough Challenge Events to play to get the achievement before the game is complete.Remember that you don't have to win Races as well as Challenge Events, since the achievement will still unlock if you keep on winning Challenge Events but lose to a Race.Step 5: Play All Challenge Events & Mop Up.

Cube 2 sauerbraten download. Sadly, this game lacks the sort of inventive ideas that made the original so much fun. The Mini games are little more than thinly disguised copies of games that have existed for some time in the series.

That's not to say that these little challenges - which involve activities like keeping your balance on a spinning platform and navigating snow-covered minefields - aren't fun, but they score low points for originality.Party Animals' one notable advantage over others in its genre is that it supports online play over Xbox Live. Party games are always at their best when played against human opponents, and while a room full of friends is the ideal, competing with others online isn't a bad substitute. Just take care that the opponents your kids are playing against aren't abusing the privilege of voice chat communication.